THIS is the ‘I finally decided to take the leap’ post.
5 years ago, while drinking copious amounts of tea in the Port Perry kitchen of my tiny human friend Sharon, I noticed a magnet on her dishwasher which read:
“Oh dear” my inner voice said….
Oh dear indeed.
And right then, I KNEW, like, KNEWWWWWWW in the rock bottom of my heart of hearts, the very moment that I saw that message, right there, in black and white, that one day, I was gonna have to test that theory.
I didn’t know when, or how, but I knew, there was a leap somewhere in my future.
This is the official ‘I quit my job’ post. But friends….it is SO much more than that!!
I know many people would be standing up cheering, but I don’t ‘hate’ my day job. While I DOOO hate my alarm clock, EVERY morning, for the most part, the job is pretty great!! I operate in my ‘Zone of Excellence’ there….(for those familiar with Gay Hendricks - The Big Leap) I mean...I’m gonna toot my own horn here...I AM pretty darn good at my job.
It’s 9-5, Monday-Friday with benefits, and a great chair that swivels all the way around! I work with some pretty great people too! Except for Emily...she always hounds me to drink more water...I’m sure I’ll likely die of dehydration within 48hrs of leaving…..#RIP)
This is a ‘standing on the edge of a cliff, with my toes curled over the edge’ kind of post.
The ledge I am standing upon is Granite… strong, steady, and supporting me as I perch perilously on it’s sharp edge. I have been here for a while now. Trying to decide whether or not I should leap….leaving behind the safe, secure footing I’ve enjoyed for 13+ years now. Leaving behind a band of colleagues that feel like family. (also leaving behind some unpleasantness of yelling clients from time to time, if I’m being fully transparent! HOWEVER, about 85% of our clients are amazingly awesome!)
This is an AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH…..(insert the kind of scream you do when you ACTUALLY jump off of a cliff!! - or in our family, the way we yell ‘Kelly Clarksonnnnnnnn’ on a rollercoaster!!) kind of post!
I decided a few months back to pursue something I’ve LOVED, coaching and empowerment, and combine it with my old skool affinity for psychometric assessments by becoming a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach! Oh yeah, and tie that back to all my Oil-y peeps knowing what’s UP when it comes to being more impactful, powerful and effective when you utilize your strengths!??! What the what!?!??!
Yeah buddy! When I first started looking into this Coaching Certification, I didn’t know how I could possibly make it work, and try to add yet another thing to my plate. Thankfully, since 2017 was my year of breaking up with FOMO, and learning how to say NO to things that do not align with my goals, I realized…..I couldn't. I simply could not add this into my existing life. IF I was gonna do this, I was going to have to LEAP!
And there it was… that DAMN fridge magnet… hanging out mockingly in the photo album of my mind’s eye. “Leap, and the net will appear’
This is the ‘how on EARTH can I make this decision’ kind of post…..
Oh my word… I send out TREMENDOUS THANKS to those amazing people who have supported me, been my sounding boards, cheerleaders, voices of reason, voices of TREASON (LOL) and in general, just all ‘round amazing people to have on my side.
In the past few months, I’ve learned to pray, cry, ASK FOR HELP, and most of all….TRUST myself.
In the 48 hrs leading up to my flight, I’ve felt more anxiety, and been the closest I’ve been to a full blown panic attack in 20+ years…. But once I arrived at the airport, checked in, and sat down to started typing this out as I was waiting to board a 15+ hr flight….and you know what???
This is also an 'It FEELS FREAKING EXHILARATING' post!!!
I have so much more to share with you….and I promise I will….
But first…. Lemme take a plane ride!
See you all on the flippity…