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on 'the Daily'. with Caley!

Writer: Jen Hartnett-OrserJen Hartnett-Orser

Updated: Jan 23, 2019

What does a girl do with a few ‘found’ hours!??!? She does a few TV episodes with an old Yoga pal/local TV personality/celebrity of course!

DIY Headquarters:

I had the pleasure (and as ALWAYS, a good laugh) with Caley Bedore of our local CHEX news team. Caley is always keen to jump into new adventures, and today was no exception! We had a blast putting together some easy and fun DIY concoctions with your favorite, and mine...Essential Oils! (EO’s)

Here's a link to a little snippet ! - (spoiler alert….I tricked Caley into cleaning my house and making me some lovely bath salts!) but here are the recipes we made!

As always, please use high quality EO’s - and always, always dilute for babes and little ones!

Here's a little preview of our loot!

Body Wash

Aprox 1.5 cups Unscented Castile Soap

Aprox 4 tbsp Fractionated (Liquid) Coconut Oil

Aprox 1-2 tbsp Vegetable Glycerine

5-10 drops of your fave EO’s - today Caley chose Wild Orange and Peppermint for a sunny, peppy wake up call in the morning~!

p.s. Shake well before each use!

Bath Salts

6 cups Epsom Salts

½ Cup Baking Soda

½ Cup Himalayan Sea Salt

¼ tsp Fractionated Coconut Oil

Oils of your choice - Caley Chose: Clary Sage (hormonal support) Cedarwood (Calm/soothing) and Frankincense (the KING of oils, wonderful for your cells, your skin, and your overall mood!)

Mix dry ingredients - blend oils into the coconut oil and THEN add to the bath mix! (The reason we do this is to ensure the pure oils are mixed into a carrier oil, and not applied directly/undiluted to large areas of your body as you soak in all the goodness!

Moisturizing Hand Soap

(We used a small foaming soap pump)

¾ cup Castile Soap

2tbsp Avocado Oil (great in winter. Coconut oil is a lighter option for warmer months when our skin tends to be less dry!)

4 Drops each OnGuard Protective Blend + Wintergreen EO.

Top off with water.

Stainless Steel & Glass Cleaner

¼ cup Plain Vinegar

⅓ cup Rubbing Alcohol

4 Drops each Lemongrass & Grapefruit EO

Top up with water.

Shake well before each use

Thank you Caley for a fun afternoon! And hey...there’s Kevin, who never manages to be in front of the camera!

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